Nyan cat

Nyan cat
Non-stop nyancat


Any Ideas?

       Hello guys. I have a question for you. If you could go anywhere in Europe where would you go and why? (And no Grunt Cheeseland is not a place.) I'm going to Europe this summer and I could go anywhere for 10-12 days. My 1st pick would be England.
This is Europe.


  1. If you like gelato (ice cream) and historical sites like the Colosseum, then go to Italy. if you like cheese, go to France, where the best cheese shop is. If you want to come back with lot's of ridiculous souvenirs and keychains, go to Spain. If you want to come back with postcards of castles and a story about going in a castle, like you said, go to England, and get a british accent. If you want to come back with a shamrock everything , go to Ireland.Oh and if you like chocolate, go to Switzerland! I've tasted the chocolate there and it is beyond good!! Or how about Finland? I've never been there but I want to go on Christmas break. It's really your choice, but I suggest Italy, but I think it's mostly because I saw a bob face there.............

  2. Cheeseland? Really?

  3. yes cheeseland and thank you for that owl. Bob face?

  4. A....duh? Don't you know what a bob face is? It's my signature sign!!
