Nyan cat

Nyan cat
Non-stop nyancat


The Fascinating Fibonacci's!

        Leonardo da Pisa a.k.a Fibonacci (son of Bonacci) was one of the greatest mathematician. he has discovered this sequence the, Fibonacci Sequence. It starts off as 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,(yes I am doing this in my head...)89...The sequence goes up by adding itself and the last digit [0+0=1(yes in Leonardo's way)+0=1+1=2+1=3+2=5+3=8+5=13=8=21...
       Here is a couple of link for the Fascinating Fibonacci's
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TSGhRvZmU
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRFa7Jvjp00&feature=related

I just can't stop watching these videos and the "Mankind Is No Island"


  1. Hey Nyancat. I am very happy to see that you have begun to blog on your own. I'm very impressed!
    How did you get the binary number wallpaper for your blog? It is fabulous! You have become an expert blogger very quickly.

  2. Do you think you might do a future post on August Mobius?

    Someone left a comment on "The Impossible" blog wanting to know if Mobius worked for Hitler. Do you think you could do a little research and find out for us.

    How might you go about finding the answer?

  3. You'll notice that I added your blog to our list of "Blogs I Am Following".

    Can't wait for more of your posts!

  4. that you mrs henderson. You wanted to know how to get the wallpaper just go to design on top rite then go template designer. go to wallpaper

  5. i think fibonacci is really cool!! it was fun learning about him, i wonder if theres anymore info?

  6. THE WISE OWLS 1 AND 33 October 2011 at 07:09

    This blog is cool since you talk about what we are doing in class. Please write more in your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. This blog is great and cheesey my mom loves cheesy blogs

  8. Thank you the Wise Owls and right now I am nakeing a new ost about the Red Tide going on in san diego now.

  9. I really like how you made your own blog and I am looking forward to your new post. Gemini01

  10. seriously Grunt ?

  11. Your blog is awesome!!!!
    Keep posting stuff and yours will be even BETTER than the impossible takes longer blog!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ~ Annie

  12. Your blog is fantastic!!
