Nyan cat

Nyan cat
Non-stop nyancat


Any Ideas?

       Hello guys. I have a question for you. If you could go anywhere in Europe where would you go and why? (And no Grunt Cheeseland is not a place.) I'm going to Europe this summer and I could go anywhere for 10-12 days. My 1st pick would be England.
This is Europe.

Living Bread

Did you know that your bread is a living thing? I sure didn't. Bread is made of something called yeast. If you're a bread lover and don't know what yeast is you might not want to read. Bread is................................FUNGUS! Yes fungus. Yeast is a type of fungus that needs to be fed because when you bake the dough the yeast makes it puff up. So when you are eating bread next time think of what you're eating!